Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Easy Healthy Recipes: Grilled Chicken with Baked Veggies

Here is an easy healthy recipe that I would make in bulk on a Sunday to get me through a week of lunches. It is very easy if you would like to do the same, but it can just as easily be done for any serving size.

It is fast, easy, and tastes great to boot! A very healthy well balanced meal that can be made with virtually any (healthy) marinade or rub that you like.

I will write the recipe as is if it was for a single serving... to make it larger is as easy as multiplying the portions by the number of people you would like to make it for.

1x Low Fat (or fat trimmed) Chicken Breast
Favorite Marinade or Rub
2 cups of chopped veggies (Carrots, cualiflower, broccoli, bell pepper, yams, sweet onion, zuchini... whatever veggies you like)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Parmesan Cheese (Optional)


1. Chop up whatever veggies you chose until you have 2 cups.
2. Place veggies in a glass or metal pan that can be used in the oven.
3. Lightly cover the veggies in EEOV.
4. *Optional* Lightly cover veggies in parmesan
5. Lightly sprinkle veggies with black pepper.
6. Cover the pan with aluminum foil and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes at aprrox. 270 degrees (you may have to play with the time and temp. depending on the veggies you use- harder veggies need higher temps and more time, softer veggies can use lower times and possibly lower temps)

Chicken Breast
1. There are a variety of rubs and/or marinades that can be used for chicken that are both healthy and tasty- see my post here for some that you can try.
2. Once the chicken has it's rub or marinade, it is time to cook it. I use a George Forman grill quite often fro convenience and speed, but you can just as easily cook the chicken in a pan or on a grill.
3. It is VERY important that you cook the chicken thoroughly to avoid getting food poisoning or salmonella (not fun... you can trust me on that one).
4. You will know when the chicken is done by:
a) Using a thermometer (very useful, I recommend everyone get one) and checking the internal temperature of the chicken. It should be approx. 165 (boneless) to 180 (bone in) degrees.
b) Piercing the chicken with a fork and the juices run clear. If you have any doubt, remove the chicken and slice in the thickest part... all the meat should be white, NO PINK!

That really is about it... this one sounds more complicated than it really is. A couple of tips, if you are going to be chopping up veggies anyways, why don't you go ahead and chop up the veggies that you have in their entirety and store them in the fridge to be used later. it may take a little bit more time up front, but it will certainly save you a lot more time throughout the rest of the week while you are preparing meals.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Easy Healthy Recipes: Protein Shake

Here is a great easy healthy recipe for a protein shake. I have this exact same thing in the morning very often.

I find that it gives me the energy I need to jump start my day and get going with some extra ooomph! I will almost always have one of these before hitting the gym (which is usually in the morning for me), and I will often have these after getting home from work before dinner, or later in the evening after dinner.

This is a very well balanced shake that has enough good carbs to carry the protein to your muscle. It is important to understand the relationship that protein and carbohydrates share. There is a metaphor that I remember reading about protein being like building materials and carbs being like the workers at a job site... no carbs, the building materials are there, but nothing gets built because there is no one to do the work. No protein, the workers are present, but nothing gets built because there are no building materials. There is a fundamental need for them both. But, enough of that.

I find this shake very tasty, and it is VERY easy to make. I will clock myself tomorrow morning and see just how long takes, but if I had to guess right now, I would put it at the 2-3 minute range, including cleaning the blender.

1x Banana
1/2 cup of frozen Strawberries or Raspberries
1-2 Scoops of your favorite protein powder (you want whatever equals 45-50g of protein... I prefer whey)
16 oz. water
2-3 ice cubes
1/4c of oatmeal (I use plain ol' quaker oats)

1. It is best to grind the oats in a coffee grinder, but is not necessary. It just gives a different texture to the shake.
2. Combine all ingredients in a blender.
3. Blend for 30-45 seconds.
4. Drink contents.
5. Clean blender

See how easy that was!?! What excuse do you have to eat anything crappy, like fast food, with great stuff like this?

Please visit Health-E-Meals for more quick and healthy recipes and resources for busy people.

Easy Healthy Recipes: Tomato Basil Salad

Here is a easy healthy recipe for a GREAT tasting Tomato-Basil Salad to accompany any entree that you might feel is just missing that something extra. It takes no time at all and will add some great nutrients to your meals along with some heart healthy fats.

1x pack of Cherry Tomatoes
4x large leaves of basil
1/4 block of mozzarella
A pinch of Salt
Black Pepper to taste
1x tablespoon of basalmic
1x tablespoon of olive oil

1. Dice the leaves of basil into small pieces
2. Cube the block of mozzarella into small 1/4" pieces
3. Combine the basil, mozzarella, and the rest of the ingredients into a large bowl
4. Mix them around
5. Let it sit in the fridge while the main course is prepared.

That's it!

Please visit Health-E-Meals for more quick and healthy recipes and resources for busy people.

Easy Healthy Recipes: Breakfast Burrito

If you are like me, I am always looking for easy healthy recipes that can make my day easier while being healthier at the same time. Here is a great recipe for a very healthy breakfast burrito that will give you that boost of energy you need in the morning and hold you through until lunch time.

Let's face it... every one of us faces that dilemma on occasion. You know what I'm talking about! That little argument you have with yourself in the morning when the alarm goes off. You say to yourself, "Well, if I just stopped by McDonald's/Burger King/Starbucks and grabbed breakfast this morning, I could get another 15 minutes of sleep! You know, some scientists say sleep is the most important aspect of your health! If I sleep for 15 more minutes and grab some fast food, I will actually be doing my body good!" You pat yourself on the back for doing what you know is right for you and your body.

The problem is, 6 months of you doing this only leads to more lethargy, an increased waist line, higher blood pressure, and on and on and on.

I am now going to take away ANY excuse you have to get fast food breakfast in the morning. The fact is, this recipe is more convenient, less time consuming, better tasting, and CERTAINLY better for you than any of that fast food crap you could pick up.

This is one of my favorite recipes that I ate almost every morning in high school when I wanted every extra second that was available for sleep! It is a quick, easy, and nutritious breakfast burrito. You will definitely want to bookmark this one or print it out for breakfast tomorrow morning:

Wheat Tortillas
Salsa (optional)
Cheese (optional)

1. Crack the eggs into a microwave safe bowl (or pour the egg portions if you are using egg beaters or the equivalent).
2. Add a bit if water (or milk) to make the eggs fluffy.
3. Add the salsa (or any other ingredients you would like such as green peppers, ham, veggies, etc.)
4. I always used a fork to mix the eggs thoroughly, but you can use a whisk if you want to be all fancy-schmancy.
5. Now pop that bowl into the microwave and nuke them. Cooking times are not exact and will vary... just watch the eggs. You will want them to rise and be somewhat firm, but not overworked. In my experience it takes about 1.5-2 minutes.
6. Take the bowl out of the microwave and handle it carefully as it will be hot.
7. Scramble the eggs in the bowl.
8. Spread you tortilla out and place some cheese on the tortilla if you would like.
9. Empty the contents of the bowl onto the tortilla.
10. Now fold the tortilla into a burrito like so:

How to fold a burrito

There you go! An easy and healthy breakfast... the best part about this breakfast burrito is that it travels very easily and is not a mess to take in the car with you. Just wrap the burrito with a paper towel and you will be set. No more excuses for that nasty fast food!!

Breakfast Burrito

Please visit Health-E-Meals for more quick and healthy recipes and resources for busy people.